Friday, March 9, 2012


Why, once again I question myself, do I hide behind this mirror? Why do I not break through it? Perhaps I am not strong enough. I may not be strong enough, especially when I need to be: especially when I need the strength to rise to my feet and set the entire world back in its rightful place. It is now, when I need to get up off the ground where I lay, the ground that I fell to, to fix this mutated world, this altered state of reality, that I cannot find the strength.  Why has all I’d ever hoped and loved left me with nothing to turn to for empowerment, for inspiration? The well of life I drank from runs dry as the spiderlike night finishes entombing the world in her web of black sky holding dewdrops of sparkling stars. The breaths I take become increasingly shallow, and I feel the cold of the night settle in my skin and bones, or maybe I should say my glass and my frame for I’ve become nothing more than what I’ve reduced myself to, a mirror: a shining reflection of everything a viewer would like to see, a lie, a falsified image cropped to fit into the frame of a pretty little body. All the viewer needs to say is the timeless words “Mirror, mirror on the wall…”
This piece shows creativity in that I tried to compare the night sky to a spider’s web, I really liked the analogy and how it was unique in that I had never used it before in other pieces of writing. The piece I posted is only a fragment of a larger piece I’m attempting to write and yet I still find it to be engaging; it speaks I first person, which I feel will draw a reader into the piece because the narrator is not self-empowered and righteous but is in fact self-conscious, and speaks to the reader to find strength. It is also engaging in the fact that, I’m sure, people can relate to the narrator feeling like a mirror, only reflecting what people want to see. This shows growth in that I’m trying to expand upon my ability to write in prose versus writing poetry.

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